Thursday, 14 March 2013

Things are what they are

Alghero, Sardinia - July 2012
And I've finally made peace with myself about that. Things are just the way they are.

It took me a while and fair enough, it took me a good while to start pushing luck and chasing what I want. But now, I did it!
I can stop bitching now about all the difficulties and all the hassle of coming up with speed-made solutions and stop being an hypocrite - like half of the world population, by the way - about how I feel about the less fortunate people that have less than me but still manage to be look so happy. (when I know this is only truth in my head. If there's no food, there's no happiness)

Who am I trying to fool here? I've had a nice life so far, have a great family, a great son, a roof over my head, a job, a boyfriend. Things are not all black and white, of course.
I'm never happy with what I have. I want more, I need more, I'm thirsty of life. But I'm actually quite simple at the same time. Is this a very complex definition of my simplicity?

Let's simplify: I want a nice life. Money to pay the bills and allow me to have some little luxuries, like a new dress or a weekend away every now and then. I want peace and love and quietness. To relax. to feel the silence.

Now, after a horrible year, for several reasons to be disclosed more ahead, I'm settling down.

Inside. Outside. From the inside out.

so... from now on...what kind of dark cloud should I expect?

Going for a cigarette. Like seeing the smoke curling in the air.

Simple, no? ;)

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